Cyclone Weather Alert At The Masters- "Dilly Dilly" Will Get You Tossed

Fan behavior at golf events has been a hot topic of late, especially after a few high profile incidents of players having fans ejected for negative behavior. Augusta National is perhaps the strictest place in golf when it comes to fan (sorry, patron) activity; it’s the last place you won’t see phones in hands, for example.

So while we were never likely to see the kind of behavior that angered Justin Thomas a few weeks ago, it should come as no surprise that the folks at Augusta are cracking down even further, going so far as to ban patrons from yelling “Dilly Dilly.” If you’re unfamiliar, please stop reading now, because you live a better life than I do and to read further would only contaminate your sensibilities. It’s the stupid Bud Light slogan, obviously, and of course golf fans would co-opt that in place of “Mashed potatoes!” and what have you.


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