The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

Kickstart your morning with The Morning Rush from 6:00 to 8:00am Monday - Friday.Full Bio


Aaron Hernandez Shot A Friend In The Head And Left Him For Dead

Aaron Hernandez is on trial for murder again, this one a double homicide in 2012.  But he might not even be on trial were it not for the prosecution's star witness, a friend who was driving the car when Hernandez committed the murders.  He's testifying after a Florida vacation gone wrong in 2013, when his friend Aaron Hernandez tried to kill him.


Alexander Bradley can no longer see out of his right eye after Hernandez shot him between the eyes, but he used his one good eye to stare the defendant down.  Bradley said he had two goals after Hernandez shot him and pushed him out of the car: "Live.  Kill Hernandez."

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